Online Resources for Denton County Residents
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Online Resources for Denton County Residents

Last November, we launched FindHelp Denton County in collaboration with the cities of Denton and Lewisville to provide an online resource for our residents in need.  In the three months since, more than 4,600 new and returning users have visited the website at to look for assistance with housing, food, transportation, health, and other…

Doing All The Things to Make Women Feel Beautiful

Doing All The Things to Make Women Feel Beautiful

Visiting a local med spa these days has become as common as booking a dentist appointment, so much so that many Denton County residents feel both services play equal roles when it comes to improving their overall well-being.  That said, many med spas feature serene, dimly-lit waiting rooms with gurgling fountains, bubbling fish tanks, and…

Comprehensive Women’s Care Close to Home

Comprehensive Women’s Care Close to Home

Ask any female, and she likely will agree that overall, women share some pretty complex health issues. Dr. Olga Cortez and her talented staff at Argyle Women’s Health and Wellness are more than qualified to care for the unique needs of women throughout every stage of their lives, from adolescence to menopause and beyond. Dr….

Unlocking Vitality

Unlocking Vitality

All The Things Med Spa understands that hormone balance plays a crucial role in overall health and well-being. That’s why they’re thrilled to introduce hormone therapy services, led by Kristi Fimbres, PA-C, a seasoned expert in aesthetics, wellness, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). With over a decade of experience and a commitment to patient education,…

Argyle Women’s Health and Wellness Comprehensive Care For Women In Your Own Backyard

Argyle Women’s Health and Wellness Comprehensive Care For Women In Your Own Backyard

Ask any female and she likely will agree that overall, women share some pretty complex health issues. Dr. Olga Cortez and her talented staff at Argyle Women’s Health and Wellness are more than qualified to care for the unique needs of women throughout every stage of their lives, from adolescence to menopause and beyond.  Dr….

The Not-So-Glamorous Parts of Owning A Pet

The Not-So-Glamorous Parts of Owning A Pet

Vaccinations Vaccinations are a crucial aspect of preventive healthcare for pets, helping protect them from various diseases. The specific vaccinations your pet needs depend on factors such as their species, age, lifestyle, and geographic location. Canine Core Vaccinations: Distemper, Parvovirus, Canine Adenovirus (Hepatitis), Rabies Canine Non-Core Vaccinations (dependent on lifestyle and location): Bordetella (Kennel Cough),…