Isaac Smith for Congress

“To whom much is given, much is required.” This is what Isaac Smith has based his life on and what has started his journey of running for Congress. Isaac has been married to his wife, Tabitha, a nurse at Denton Presbyterian Hospital, for 14 years. Together, Isaac and Tabitha have 2 beautiful adopted children.

Isaac was born in Mexico and lived there with dual citizenship until he was 17. “My parents were missionaries in Mexico and I couldn’t wait to move to America to pursue the American Dream,” Isaac said. In 2011, a few years after his move to the United States, Isaac made his way to Texas and he’s called both Flower Mound and Highland Village his home ever since.

Isaac has a very faith-based background and lives his life accordingly. So, upon making Flower Mound their home, Isaac and Tabitha quickly sought out the perfect church to call home. After many different church visits, they finally found the perfect church family at Valley Creek Church. “We knew that was where we were supposed to be and we’ve been there ever since,” Isaac said.

In 2013, Isaac started a small business inspecting homes. Last year, during the pandemic, Isaac’s business exploded and saw great success. “It was a great year for us financially and when we asked God what we should do with our funds, we felt he told us to pay off our home, so that’s what we did,” Isaac said. “I love doing inspections; however, I’ve put my business to bed in order to follow God’s command to run for office.”

Isaac stands by his conservative and Christ-based values. “A lot of people don’t know that they’re conservative but my wife and I know it. And not only do we know it, but we also live it,” Isaac said.

Isaac’s conservative beliefs are strongly represented in his stance on political issues. Some of his policy beliefs regard the freedom of choice when it comes to COVID vaccines, election integrity, solutions to illegal immigration, political term limits, support of the second and first amendments, being pro-life and making adoption a more accessible option, having a flat rate tax plan, and the support of the use and discovery of fossil fuels.

For the past 15 years, Isaac has paid great attention to politics and has always had strong opinions on what’s happening in our country. However, that being said, running for office was never something that Isaac believed he would do. “I was never one to have the desire to run for political office. However, I felt that this is what God has laid out for me to do,” Isaac said.

“The position of a person in Congress is to represent the people and is held in high regard and should not be taken lightly,” Isaac said. With Isaac’s passion for his faith, his family, and his Christ-like values, he believes that he will have the character & strength to return integrity to the office and hopes to be able to humbly represent the people of our great state in his run for Congress.

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Courtney Madison

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