a creative pumpkin carved for the holloween

Safety on Halloween: Letter from the Sheriff

Denton County Police Department

Halloween is almost here. To ensure that you have a fun-filled and safe evening, please keep these tips
in mind.

Use Sidewalks

Use sidewalks if possible, and if they aren’t available stay close to the curb and walk facing traffic. Make eye contact with drivers to ensure you’re seen before crossing the street.

Supervise Children

Adult supervision is key. But if you believe your child is mature enough to trick-or-treat alone, be sure they do so in groups.

Inspect Candy and Treats

Adults should inspect all candy before kids eat it and discard any opened or homemade treats.

Stand Out

Decorate costumes and bags with reflective tape or stickers or consider using glow sticks and flashlights to help motorists be aware of your presence.

Slow Down

Motorists should slow down in residential areas and use extra caution when entering and exiting driveways and alleys.

Drive Safely

Drive Safely — slow down and watch out for pedestrians, assume they do not see you, put your phone away while driving, and never drink and drive.

We are currently hiring for several positions! If you are interested in a career in Law Enforcement, join the Denton County Sheriff’s Office and be a part of a great organization. Visit our website to apply.

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