Getting Ahead of Childhood Allergies

Getting Ahead of Childhood Allergies

Childhood allergies are a type of allergy that typically develop during infancy or early childhood. Childhood allergies can be mild or severe and can vary from child to child. Generally, childhood allergies involve immune system reactions to specific types of foods, pollens, grasses, animals or other environmental allergens. These reactions can cause allergic manifestations such…

Invisalign Day!

Invisalign Day!

Invisalign Day at Dental Depot DFW is back on February 24th! Now, what exactly is Invisalign Day, you ask? It’s a day to save big on Invisalign! Come to Dental Depot on February 24th for your FREE orthodontic consultation and scan with our state-of-the-art iTero Element 2 intraoral scanner. Along with your free consultation, you…

Ten Hot Pet Products

Ten Hot Pet Products

FluentPet Get Started Kit Pet Buttons – Set of 6 Recordable Buttons for Dogs & Cats and 3 HexTiles – The original Dog buttons for communication is a set of recordable buttons designed to help pers express themselves and communicate with their owners. The set includes 12 FluentPet buttons, 6 HexTiles for organizing the communication…