Redeeming Root Canals
Country Lakes Family Dental
For those who don’t know me, I have six daughters (yes six) and they are all blond. Why do I mention their hair color? Because I know some of us have been conditioned to jump to certain conclusions thanks to our sufficient exposure to blond jokes. Well, in the same way that my very intelligent daughters overcome their stereotype, I hope, as a dentist, to do the same for root canals. Too frequently, I have patients that wince at the thought of root canal treatment, but the good news is current advancements help make root canals simpler than you think.
First, it is important to discuss exactly why a root canal is needed. The living tissue, or pulp, of the tooth exists in a closed chamber or canal, and when this tissue becomes inflamed or infected, the pressure produces noticeable discomfort. Over time, this discomfort may decline as the nerve of the tooth expires. However, new sensitivity will form as the infection moves out of the tooth into the bone producing an abscess. The goal of a root canal treatment is to remove the dead or dying tissue and ultimately seal the canal.
No pun intended, the treatment itself sounds unnerving. Conversely, the goal of the treatment is to reduce pain. To avoid a poor experience during a root canal, first and foremost the goal should be adequate anesthesia. From my experience, when a patient provides an unpleasant experience from a previous root canal, it appears that they experienced the treatment without proper numbing of the tooth. In addition, many times, a lengthy appointment or multiple appointments are a cause for concern. The good news is, with new techniques and technology, as well as the use of the latest developed anesthetics, it is possible for a root canal treatment to be completed quickly and comfortably with a high degree of success.
So, before avoiding treatment of tooth pain out of a preconceived anxiety, it is best to seek out care immediately and not only find relief, but peace of mind. Happy smiling!
Dr. Matthew Artho is owner and dentist at Country Lakes Family Dental in Bartonville, TX, and 12-time winner of Best of Denton County.