Shiloh Field Provides Fresh Produce for the Food Insecure
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Shiloh Field Provides Fresh Produce for the Food Insecure

Imagine a group of nine to 11 year-old boys and girls, dressed in jeans and “work” shirts, feet covered in tennis shoes or work boots. Now push your imagination even further and think hard to figure out what you don’t see. Got it? It’s cell phones! No one has one open to instantaneously receiving a…

Celebrating 30 Years of Culinary Excellence at Bistecca

Celebrating 30 Years of Culinary Excellence at Bistecca

Nestled in Highland Village, BISTECCA by Chef Morris Salerno celebrates three decades of culinary mastery and community dedication. Chef Salerno, whose illustrious career began at the Fairmont Hotel in Dallas in the 1970s and later at the prestigious Lowes Anatole Hotel, has earned acclaim as “Dallas Chef of The Year” and one of the “Top…

Rustic Lentil Soup 

Rustic Lentil Soup 

Prep Time: 20 minutes Cook Time: 1 hour Total Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes  Servings: 10 With fall quickly approaching, it’s time to break out your favorite sweater and start celebrating soup season with this Rustic Lentil Soup! The lentils, slow-cooked with pancetta, veggies, and stock will warm you to the core. Give it a…

Green school lunch tray with fruit and sandwich, surrounded by notebooks and pens

10 HOT Packable School Lunches (even adult would enjoy)

1.  Bento Box Adventures Use a bento box to create a colorful and compartmentalized lunch with small portions of different foods like fruits, veggies, cheese, and crackers. Bento boxes are a great way to pack a balanced and visually appealing lunch, making it fun for kids to discover different foods in each section. 2.  Shape it…