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5 Things to Do for Labor Day – Say Good-Bye to Summer

Have a Cookout Labor Day is the third most popular day (behind Memorial Day and 4th of July) for grilling in the United States. Invite your friends and family, fire up the grill, and have fun! The menu can be as simple as hot dogs and hamburgers, or complex with smoked brisket or ribs. Take…

Green school lunch tray with fruit and sandwich, surrounded by notebooks and pens

10 HOT Packable School Lunches (even adult would enjoy)

1.  Bento Box Adventures Use a bento box to create a colorful and compartmentalized lunch with small portions of different foods like fruits, veggies, cheese, and crackers. Bento boxes are a great way to pack a balanced and visually appealing lunch, making it fun for kids to discover different foods in each section. 2.  Shape it…

Smiling traffic guard with scholars looking at camera in front of school bus
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Back to School Child Safety

As our children head back to school we would like to share some transportation safety tips. Whether children walk, ride their bicycles, or take the bus to school, it is extremely important that they take proper safety precautions. Here are some tips to make sure your child safely travels to school: Walkers: Review your family’s…