Friendship & Service: Lantana Ladies League Serves Dual Purpose

Friendship & Service: Lantana Ladies League Serves Dual Purpose

From an early age, many children are involved in extracurricular activities, clubs, or sports. Through high school and college, honor societies, intramural sports, Greek life, and other student organizations provide structure, friendship, service opportunities, creative or athletic outlets, and a sense of belonging to something greater than self. Upon graduation, most young adults find themselves…

The Dog Stop in Argyle – One-Stop Dog Shop

The Dog Stop in Argyle – One-Stop Dog Shop

The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that 62 million households in the United States have at least one pet dog, and Texas ranks sixth in the nation for owners with the greatest devotion to their dogs. It is no wonder that owners would expect a high-quality facility with a wide range of specialized services to…

One-Stop Dog Stop

The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that 62 million households in the United States have at least one pet dog, and Texas ranks sixth in the nation for owners with the greatest devotion to their dogs. It is no wonder that owners would expect a high-quality facility with a wide range of specialized services to…

Refuge for Women Logo

A Safe Place to Land

A young woman leaves her job and heads home, confident of the safe space, warm meal, and loving support she will find there. A common occurrence for many Americans, but not for the thousands of women and girls who have been trafficked or coerced into prostitution in this country. Refuge For Women is the nation’s largest…